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Delicata House

Apple Blossom Flower Essence - Apple Blossom Flower Remedy

Apple Blossom Flower Essence - Apple Blossom Flower Remedy

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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Apple Blossom Flower Essence gives you a renewed hope and delight in your future, clarifies purpose and helps you overcome distractions so that your daily choices lead you to your intended goal.

Apple Blossom Flower Essence shares these benefits with us:

  • Encourages generosity
  • Promotes calm
  • Supports us with abundance and replenishment
  • Helpful for times of transformation and new beginnings
  • Balances emotions and clarifies thoughts
  • Restores hope in the goodness of Life
  • Promotes motivation to take good care for yourself
  • Connect to sacred feminine energy
  • Encourages release of old, stagnant beliefs and patterns

Size: .5 fluid oz.

Ingredients: Spring water, vodka, Apple Blossom Flower Essence

Directions: Take 4 drops in water 4 times a day; put in lotion or massage oil and apply topically; put in bath water.

This Apple Blossom Flower Essence is made from the blossoms on an ancient apple tree in our old orchard.

(Health Disclaimer: Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits of any product I make and have for sale on my website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Please see your health care professional if you need medical treatment of any kind.)

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